Mariehjemmene implements TimePlan to optimise caregiving

In the early autumn of 2022, Mariehjemmene implemented TimePlan in their business. Although the program is still relatively new in Mariehjemmene’s operations, we had a chat with them about how they use TimePlan’s services.

The interviewees consisted of the chief financial officer Jan Løjmand, the communications consultant Hans Meier Andersen, and the payroll consultant Kate Bergholdt. Before the implementation, none of the three were familiar with TimePlan, but they chose to investigate and then use the program for Mariehjemmene.

Mariehjemmene is a Danish private, non-profit organization that has worked for 60 years to ensure that their residents can live exactly as they wish. They operate 8 nursing homes and 12 housing units in Denmark, as well as around 600 housings. In addition, they have approximately 1,100 employees who use TimePlan to varying degrees. Mariehjemmene ensures that their residents receive support, closeness, and care in their homes based on their unique desires and needs.

Mariehjemmene searched the market for a workforce management program that would make sense for their business – that’s when they came across TimePlan. They said: “We were not satisfied with what we had, so we explored the market. Then we ended up with you because you did a presentation for Mariehjemmene two or three years ago. One of our employees remembered, then we reached out to Prakash (a TimePlan Sales Consultant). And thus began the dialogue for the implementation in the spring of 2022.”

The TimePlan sales consultants often visit companies to pitch TimePlan’s product and explain how the program works and what the companies can use TimePlan for in their day-to-day operations. The presentation about TimePlan’s product and how it can help a company is what our sales consultant Prakash Visvanathan was presenting to Mariehjemmene, which they remembered when they replaced their Workforce Management system.


Help with shift planning and collecting data

Mariehjemmene expected that implementing TimePlan would help them address challenges with scheduling shifts, managing vacations, and providing assistance with payroll management. Moreover, they are additionally looking forward to the release of TimePlan Analytics in early spring 2023.


TimePlan Analytics

TimePlan Analytics is our newest module, which will be released in the coming months, it customizes your company’s dashboard within TimePlan and allows you to create reports. It is a tool that provides graphically defined dashboards for the different parameters in TimePlan. Since it is a new module, it requires a new license key and access to the additional modules, Wage Budget, Statistics, and Export Data.

TimePlan Analytics is a module that creates an overview of time recording, scheduling, and HR administration on different dashboards. The design can be customized with features that are advantageous for your business. Additionally, the Analytics module can generate data for reports on absences or open shifts, as well as a calendar with an overview of birthdays and anniversaries. This module will become part of TimePlan at the beginning of 2023.


Mariehjemmene believes that the implementation of TimePlan will be helpful to them in collecting data and achieving a more comprehensive schedule. “I think TimePlan makes the schedulers better at scheduling. We are aiming for the green roster,” they note with a smile. TimePlan will act as a helpful tool in their work with absenteeism and tracking it through integration with Evovia, formerly known as MUS Schedule.


Aiming for the green roster

When we asked the Mariehjemmene what they value most about implementing TimePlan’s workforce management, they pointed out: “That things are correct and that we can trust the numbers. That’s actually a significant part of it. But also, the green roster, which is a bit of an ideal. We can see that the managers are very proud when they can showcase a green schedule during meetings – so TimePlan gives some benefits. We also feel that the schedules have become more secure in that they are linked. That is, the security they have in their daily operations is provided.”

Given that TimePlan is still a new program at Mariehjemmene, they emphasize that the data is still developing as ” we are, of course, still missing the ability to see the full overview of the results of our data, as we have only had TimePlan for two months. It’s still new. But the green shift schedule has become a bit of a teaser for everything, and what we can expect. A non-green schedule is a wasted roster, and the yellow one costs us money.”

Moreover, Mariehjemmene points out that the data that can be obtained through TimePlan is essential for their business, as it shows important information for the company: “Of course, we hope that the data can be used more actively than we do today. There are many things where we sit and plan, where we would like to have better control of our absence and absence policy, among other things. It is a bit easier if you can go in and verify it, as we can have evidence that sick leave is going down. This will make us better at working with it when we get the full overview.” TimePlan collects data over the course of months and years, and as it is still a new implementation at Mariehjemmene, the full overview is not entirely available after two months.

Additionally, the data produced by TimePlan for Mariehjemmene will be included in their annual reporting. They emphasize that “we will be discussing a lot about data-driven knowledge and the information that TimePlan is supposed to provide. It will be both a daily update for the manager, but also a daily or follow-up for the board.”

Furthermore, the data will also be shared across the different locations of Mariehjemmene, as this will give them an insight into how each home is thriving: “Not least will it be shared across the homes, as that is something that we also want to work with: what has succeeded for some of the homes and what has not succeeded for others? We expect to extract a lot of data from that. We recently talked about some of the requirements in the annual financial statements law now regarding efficiency and productivity. TimePlan will be part of that.”


A difference in their day-to-day life

Mariehjemmene emphasizes the importance of secure operations for their business; TimePlan helps in ensuring this need: “The most important thing is to have a secure operation. A secure operation includes having a reliable shift roster and a schedule that is coherent. We know that 10 sick leave notifications can appear on a Saturday morning, and then it doesn’t match any longer, but in the planning part, it does. And that is the foundation for everything else,” they express.

Furthermore, they also point out that the app is popular amongst their employees, as it is at hand and everything is easily accessible: “It also has a great significance that employees can access the app; among other things, it is possible to post-register in there. And at the same time, the design looks great.”


Excited about TimePlan’s new BI-feature

Additionally, Mariehjemmene is looking forward to the release of TimePlan’s latest module. They express their excitement by saying, “When Analytics comes out, we will definitely be ready to pull out a lot of numbers, look at them and play with them, right? So now we have a little data so far.”

The new module will be helpful in terms of data collection: “We expect TimePlan to help us. That’s for sure. Otherwise, there would be no reason to implement the program,” they say with a smile. “The decision is final for now.”


Confidence in TimePlan’s program

Mariehjemmene views TimePlan as an important tool that will provide value to their business in terms of wage overview and scheduling.

“TimePlan manages around 300-400 million kroner in Mariehjemmene. Previously, we operated without knowing how they were assembled and used. Having an overview of how the costs are connected and how they are actually used will provide important information.”

Greater security and a better overview are the reasons for the choice of TimePlan at Mariehjemmene: “Plus, if it becomes easier for employees to find, replace and register their shifts on their own mobile phone, that part will also become a little easier. It should also help the management with a better overview and greater security – and more freedom,” Mariehjemmene says, adding: “The feedback is that it works really well.”


Having TimePlan implemented in your business can give you the same benefits that it has given to Mariehjemmene: a secure operation, a better overview of expenses, easier recording of shifts for employees, and increased safety and freedom for management. Contact us today to get more information on how TimePlan can help your business achieve these benefits.

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