HR Administration & Compliance

Streamline your HR and compliance workflows and ensure regulatory security for your employees

Hr administration and compliance for workforce management
Hr administration and compliance for workforce management
Hr administration and compliance for workforce management
Hr administration and compliance for workforce management

Optimise HR Administration and Compliance Management

Equip your human resources team with a comprehensive workforce toolset to effortlessly manage regulatory adherence in HR and compliance. Maintain important employee and employer documents and administrative tasks.

Compliant and Secure HR Tools

Our specialised HR management tools empower Human Resource offices and ensure compliance and simplify HR tasks effortlessly.

Compliance Ready

TimePlan Software offers systems that not only simplify regulatory compliance and streamline HR teams, but also lowers legal risks, safeguarding your employees and business operations.

HR Administration

Manage records, benefits, and documents with our cloud-based HR tools. Provide self-service HR for employees and ensure high standard workforce management adhering to multiple regulatory factors.

Industry Specific

No matter your sector—be it retail, healthcare, or leisure—our systems are tailored to address the unique compliance and administrative needs of various industries, including collective agreements.

Legal Alignment

TimePlan Software assists you in consistently aligning your HR administration and compliance efforts with evolving legal mandates, ensuring your business stays ahead of the curve while maximising efficiency.

HR Administration Tools

Digital Forms

TimePlan Analytics is a robust tool designed to maximize the use of your TimePlan data. By offering an easy way to access and understand critical business information, it supports well-founded decision-making.

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Digital Signature

Businesses collect data, but interpreting it can be tricky. Our Analytics and Business Intelligence tools help you understand what your data is saying so you can make smarter choices for your workforce management.

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Senior Employee Schemes

The Statistics module is a valuable tool for managers and planners who want cost analysis and overview. For example, you can manage staff turnover and set up your own statistics, so they are presented as graphs or tables.

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Manage Collective Agreements

The Payroll Budget add-on module is a powerful management tool for planners and for control at the headquarters and district offices. You get an overview of absence costs, payroll expenses, and key figures, and you can keep control of the budget, avoiding planning errors.

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Aleris Hamlet Saves Time in Hospital Management

“With TimePlan, we can always backtrack to see what our nurses have received in terms of allowances, absence, vacation, sickness, and reimbursement.”

Why TimePlan Software?

Leverage over 25 years+ of expertise in HR administration and legal compliance, ensuring your business adheres to labour laws and efficiently manages employee relations.

Scalable and Adaptable Solutions

Our suite of WFM products is designed to cater to every scale of business, and to grow with your needs. With TimePlan Software, enhance your HR and day-to-day operations with efficiency and ease.

Customisable and Flexible Pricing

We specialise in offering HR-focused, adaptable WFM solutions with flexible pricing. We understand your unique business challenges and objectives, ensuring your workforce management is responsive to your specific needs.

Reliant and Committed

TimePlan Sodtware stands on a strong foundation with excellent support and advice. We're dedicated to providing reliable WFM solutions and helping your business every step of the way with great support.

Your Questions Answered:

TimePlan is engineered to align with labour laws, collective agreements, and market regulations specific to your industry and your company. This ensures that minimum wage requirements, shift allowances, and overtime rules are accurately managed for each unique agreement, contract, and what lies in-between.

TimePlan can automate a variety of HR tasks, such as monitoring changes in work hours and shifts. This not only ensures compliance with collective agreements but also prevents conflicts and unnecessary payroll costs, streamlining your HR operations. Your schedulers can be warned before rolling our rosters if they are overstepping regulations.

By aligning work schedules and duty rosters according to current notification rules and collective agreements, our software ensures that both the business and its employees are safeguarded, reducing the risk of legal conflicts and fostering a trustworthy work environment from employer to employee.