Scandic Hotels saves time and wage costs with TimePlan

Scandic-Annette Skjærris
Since 2005, Scandic Hotels has used TimePlan to keep track of work hours and wage data for about 2,000 employees. The chain has 230 hotels spread across the Nordic region, and TimePlan has saved Scandic Hotels both time and payroll costs.   “We have selected TimePlan in Scandic because the program gives us a quick overview and we can easily check that we comply with our main collective agreements and all our local agreements,” says Annette Skjærris, Payroll Bookkeeper at Scandic Hotels. She operates within more than 200 collective agreements and local agreements, and TimePlan knows them all. The software ensures that the agreements are being complied with for each employee, and TimePlan also takes care of online shift planning, time registration and HR administration for the entire Scandic chain.   Too many or too few hours One of the many department managers who benefit from using TimePlan is Kim Knudsen, F&B Manager at Scandic Kolding. He checks his employees work hours every day. “I use TimePlan in my daily work to check work schedules and see wage budgets. I also create rosters and compare the actual hours with my wage budget,” says Kim Knudsen. “In TimePlan, I can see how many hours an employee has worked in a week or a month. When the counters in TimePlan are yellow, the employee has not had enough hours. When the counters are green, it’s fine and when they are red, the employee has worked too many hours.”   Time registration via terminals Not only have Scandic Hotels management had an easier life since TimePlan was implemented. Employees also benefit greatly from online shift planning and time registration. Physical TimePlan terminals at Scandic Hotels easily record when the workday starts and ends, and each employee has his or her own login. “Practically speaking, I walk through the door, and then our TimePlan terminal is placed right next to it. When I see it, I sign in and when I leave, I sign out,” explains Anne Dorthe Hjort, Restaurant Supervisor at Scandic Kolding.   Overview of vacation and time off in lieu TimePlan also gives employees an easy overview of their vacation and time off in lieu. “We can log into our TimePlan and see if we have any hours saved for time off in lieu. Before we got TimePlan, we had to see our manager, and he had to look through all his papers to find that information. Now, we have it all in TimePlan,” says Anne Dorthe Hjort. Scandic’s headquarters in Denmark administers monthly pay to over 2,000 employees. Annette Skjærris says: “Those of us here at the payroll office has experienced a huge difference since we shifted from Excel to TimePlan. In Excel, we typed in everything manually with a high risk of error. Now, we get all data and work hours exported directly into our payroll system with a few clicks.” Annette Skjærris concludes: “Since we implemented TimePlan, we have saved a lot of money. Both in terms of compliance with collective agreements and manpower.”  
Watch the video with Scandic (English subtitles):

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