Data is gold for Nordic hotels

As you grow, accurate data becomes paramount,” says Jørgen Holst, responsible for TimePlan at Nordic Choice Hotels.

He is currently working on two IT projects across the chain’s 200 hotels in the Nordic countries, where TimePlan plays a crucial role in data collection, system integration, and performance management.

“One of my favourite features in TimePlan is the data collection and everything we can do with the data,” says Jørgen Holst, People & Culture Manager at Nordic Choice Hotels.

The Nordic hotel chain has used TimePlan for workforce management since 2013 and has recently implemented the forecasting-systemet PMI which, through fresh data from TimePlan, gives department managers a precise overview of how their department is doing.


The cockpit lights red

“The forecasting system is important to our hotels because we run large banquets, and an F&B manager can easily spend 1,000 hours a day.”

If a department spends more work hours than planned, the cockpit in the PMI system lights red. If the department is following the plan, the light is green.

We don’t have to wait for the quarterly reports to find out if we are under or over budget. We can see it right away thanks to the recorded work hours from TimePlan,” Jørgen Holst says.

Nordic Choice Hotels is growing and has spent time creating databases of customers and suppliers. Now, the time has come to focus on the chain’s over 14,000 employees in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland.

“When we hire a new employee, they are ‘born’ into our database. From here, we transfer them to TimePlan, where we can assign them shifts and send their recorded work hours for payroll. Therefore, the integration between TimePlan and our other IT systems is crucial,” says Jørgen Holst.

Fair and equal pay

Jørgen Holst adds that before Nordic Choice Hotels introduced TimePlan, they did not necessarily know how many employees a hotel or the entire chain had.

“TimePlan streamlines our organization across hotels and countries. By introducing TimePlan, we have ensured that our workflows are the same and our employees are paid fairly and equally — wherever and whenever they work.” Jørgen Holst People & Culture Manager Nordic Choice Hotels.


Complete control with TimePlan

In addition to being able to contribute useful data and analytics, TimePlan has several other benefits. These benefits help you to always be in complete control and have an overview of your departments.

TimePlan can, for example, help you to:

  • Do shift schedules
  • Forecasts to optimize manning needs
  • Sign in and out to record work hours
  • Check schedule and messages on smartphone
  • Keep track of employee documents, contracts, and employee development
  • Ensure that agreements and labor market rules are complied with
  • Automatically provides data to e.g. payroll systems

Contact a consultant to hear more about how TimePlan can help you.

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