Effective Time Tracking: A Complete Guide to Legal Requirements, Apps, and Systems

Illustration of time tracking systems and a beach in Denmark

In a world where time is one of the most valuable resources, accurate and efficient time tracking of work hours is essential for any business. From complying with legislative requirements to optimizing work processes, modern time tracking systems offer a range of benefits. In this post, we dive into everything you need to know about time tracking in Denmark, including legislative aspects, the benefits of digital time tracking, and how to choose the right system for your business.


Understanding Time Tracking Legal Requirements

Many ask, “Are there rules that one must be time tracked at their job?” The answer is yes. In many EU countries, employers are legally obliged to accurately record the work time of their employees. This ensures that employees receive the pay and overtime compensation they are entitled to and helps prevent overtime and burnout. But “Does an employer have an obligation to time track?” Again, the answer varies depending on local legislation, but in many cases, the answer is yes, making it an essential practice for business management.

If you are interested in the legislation itself, you can read it here. We also suggest reading the Danish Business Authority’s (Dansk Erhverv) guide on working hours here.


Why Register Work Time?

Besides being a legal obligation, accurate time tracking helps businesses to:

  • Improve productivity by identifying time-consuming tasks and inefficiencies.
  • Simplify payroll administration by automating the calculation of wages and overtime.
  • Optimize resource allocation and scheduling through insights into employees’ workload and availability.


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From Excel to Digital Time Tracking

Traditionally, companies have used manual methods such as time tracking in Excel to track employees’ working hours. While these methods can be simple, they are time-consuming, prone to errors, and lack the efficiency of modern solutions. Digital time tracking, using apps and online systems, offers a more accurate, efficient, and user-friendly solution.


Choosing the Right Time Tracking System

When choosing a time tracking system, consider the following factors:

  • User-friendliness: The system should be easy to use for both managers and employees.
  • Integration: The ability to integrate with other systems, such as payroll and HR systems, is crucial.
  • Flexibility: The system should be adaptable to your business’s specific needs.
  • Mobile access: A time tracking app enables employees to register time no matter where they are.


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The Future of Time Tracking

With advances in technology, the future of time tracking is bright. Automation, AI, and machine learning will enable companies to achieve even greater efficiency and accuracy. By embracing these technologies, businesses can improve their resource management, resource allocation, and scheduling, leading to better decision-making and increased profitability. In Denmark, it becomes a legal requirement to have a reliable, objective, and accessible time tracking system. Read more about what that means here.



Effective time tracking in Denmark is more than just an obligation; it’s a strategic advantage that can improve productivity, payroll administration, and employee satisfaction. By choosing the right time tracking system, your business can leverage these benefits and stand stronger in the competitive business world. So why wait? Take the step towards a more efficient and productive future today. Book a demo with TimePlan Software to see if we can help with your case.

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