With JYSK in Europe: TimePlan is an important tool


For the past 20 years, the Danish retail chain JYSK has partnered with TimePlan in 19 European countries. Henrik Naundrup and Keld Marott have led the journey and explain why TimePlan is an important tool in JYSK’s international expansion.


It all began with Henrik Naundrup. In 1998, he worked as the CFO of IKEA Denmark and was one of the driving forces behind selecting TimePlan as a replacement for manual handling of work hours.

“When I joined JYSK in 2000, we were facing a similar challenge. We needed to find a system that could handle shift planning and time registration not only in Denmark but in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Poland. Luckily, TimePlan proved to be evolving in the direction of embracing all these countries,” says Henrik Naundrup, who today is Executive Vice President of Finance & IT at JYSK.

Key ratios across countries

For almost 20 years, TimePlan has been an integrated part of the European process that JYSK uses as a standard setup.

“For us, having the same IT systems and platforms in all markets has been paramount,” says Keld Marott, who joined JYSK in 2003 and today is the CIO.

“TimePlan enables us to compare key ratios across countries. How many hours do we spend at each store, what our staff turnover and sick leave has been TimePlan allows us to manage our staffing and payroll expenses.”

For JYSK, TimePlan has also been a tool to secure best practices in working conditions

“TimePlan ensures that we adhere to the applicable rules and agreements. That our employees get the hours and the salary they are entitled to. This is not necessarily the case in all the countries where we operate,” says Henrik Naundrup.



Never rest on your laurels

Today, JYSK has over 15,000 employees in TimePlan in more than 1,300 stores in 19 countries. In the spring of 2020, the retail chain is opening its doors in Russia and more countries are in the pipeline to follow.

But although TimePlan may soon be celebrating its 20th anniversary at JYSK, there is no time to rest on your laurels.

“We have remained with TimePlan because the software does what it needs to do. Like our other IT systems, TimePlan also needs to evolve because consumers demand fast and intuitive apps. Our employees and planners expect TimePlan to keep evolving,” says Keld Marott.

An important tool

Do you represent an international company? Or a company planning for internationalisation? TimePlan can help you with many important features across borders:

  • Get a clear overview of your workforce management in all stores and departments
  • Compare key figures
  • Manage staffing across national borders
  • Manage wage costs across national borders
  • Review complex labour market rules and collective agreements

Contact us today to explore how TimePlan can help you.


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