TimePlan streamlines our workday

Henrik Ørsnes

“With TimePlan, we now have a much better streamlining of our workday at the stores, because the system decides,” says Stine Pehrson, Shop Manager at Henrik Ørsnes in Aalborg.

The goldsmith chain Henrik Ørsnes has been suffering from growing pains and implemented TimePlan to take care of shift planning, time registration and HR administration. Shop Manager Stine Pehrson is pleased with the results.


“We used TimePlan for a number of years just to create rosters,” says Stine Pehrson, Shop Manager at Henrik Ørsnes in Aalborg.
“But then we grew to six stores across the country with sixty employees, and then it became apparent that we needed more control over work hours, payroll, and collective agreements.”


Upgraded solution
In 2015, Stine Pehrson reached out to TimePlan Software and got an upgraded solution, which contains modules for shift planning, time registration, and HR administration.
“Since then, TimePlan has given us a much more structured workday. We have a much simpler way of handling overtime for our employees, and we know that their pay complies with the collective agreements,” says Stine Pehrson.


Calm and streamlined
Stine Pehrson emphasizes that TimePlan has given the management and employees a much calmer workday.
“We now have a much better streamlining of our workday at the stores, because it’s the system that decides. We also really like TimePlan’s salary budget module, which handles our salary forecasts and is part of our monthly budgets. It all runs automatically, and all we have to do is click on a few buttons and then all data is transferred to our payroll system.”


Traced back to 1620
Henrik Ørsnes can be traced back to 1620 when the Ørsnes family understood and dealt with precious metals.
Since the time of sail builder Christian Nielsen Ørsnes’ (1770-1838), the lineage and the interest in the goldsmith profession have been passed on from generation to generation through sons, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. These relatives were all trained goldsmiths or silversmiths and had a store in Aalborg, which resulted in the company Henrik Ørsnæs founded in 1972 and continues to grow today.

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