News About EU Time Tracking Law in Denmark: What You Need To Know

The Danish government has introduced a draft of new rules concerning the EU Time Tracking Law, which will require mandatory recording of employees’ daily working hours. With TimePlan, businesses gain a reliable and efficient system that can effortlessly aid in complying with this requirement. Our system is designed to optimally log daily work hours. Our intuitive user interface allows both employers and employees to quickly adapt to the new regulations.

Here are the key points:

  1. Recording of working hours becomes mandatory: Due to an EU ruling from 2019, which demands the precise recording of employees’ daily working hours, all employers must now have a system that accurately records daily working hours.
  2. Flexibility in registration: Employers have the freedom to decide how they want to record working hours, but the system must be objective, reliable, and easily accessible. The information must be stored for five years after the end of the period where the weekly working hours are calculated.
  3. Exemptions for “self-planners”: Some employees who have a lot of autonomy or managerial roles might be exempt from certain parts of the law. This means their working hours don’t necessarily need to be recorded.
  4. More flexible working hours rules: There will be an opportunity to deviate from the weekly working hours limit of 48 hours for some employees in critical societal positions. However, this must be agreed upon individually and can be retracted by the employee at any time.
  5. Enactment of the proposed law: The new changes are expected to take effect on July 1, 2024 (edited) which will affect companies with over 50 employees.


TimePlan can assist in finding a solution regarding software and its implementation in your company. The Time Registration module allows employees to record their working hours in an easy and clear manner, and it’s simple for administrators to approve or edit the recordings.

We’re closely monitoring the situation, and there might be changes to the proposed law. Notably, the Danish Business Authority is working to postpone the timing for work-hour registration, so companies get more time to adapt.

For now, the proposed law is under consultation until October 12, 2023, and there will be further discussion in the Danish Parliament.

For more in-depth information, read the original article from the Danish Business Authority here. (text in Danish)

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