Change of Scandinavia brings TimePlan across international borders

“The fact that the program works and is relatively simple to use is of a big plus,” reveals Jesper Bøtker Grønkvist, International HR Manager at CHANGE OF SCANDINAVIA A/S as the best thing about TimePlan.

When we spoke to Grønkvist recently, he told us that their company uses TimePlan in nine different countries. They have implemented TimePlan at their companies’ various locations since Denmark and Germany established it for workforce management back in 2020. Since then, they have rolled TimePlan out to the other countries in which they operate over the past two years.


TimePlan is their preferred Workforce Management

When we asked Grønkvist about the reason why CHANGE Lingerie chose TimePlan as their preferred Workforce Management program, he mentioned the fact that TimePlan is available in many languages and markets is key. TimePlan has an overview of the different sets of rules for various countries incorporated into their platform, as well as that the language can also be changed, to which Grønkvist points out that: “many of our local users are not necessarily English-speaking users”. So, the ability to change the language on the platform is an important factor for CHANGE.

“Especially the fact that it is available in a lot of languages and that the language options are present; that is crucial for us,” points out Grønkvist as one of the main reasons for choosing TimePlan.


A platform designed to fit your business needs

The implementation of TimePlan has been positive for CHANGE, as Grønkvist points out that having one singular system across all international borders is essential for their company in particular:

“Firstly, it has enabled us to have the same system for all countries. This of course makes it easier for us when we integrate our own BI systems. The fact that we do not have to integrate multiple different workforce management planning systems, but only one is important to us. We have continuously made more and more integrations in TimePlan – that is an advantage,” declares Grønkvist.

A Business Intelligence system (BI) is, according to Teknologisk Institut, a program wherein one can collect data from multiple systems and thereby implement them in another database. TimePlan can effectively connect with the different systems a business might already use.

“We use a particular app, which integrates with TimePlan too – so whenever we add a new employee in TimePlan, they’re automatically added in the app as well. This is one of the elements we see as an advantage, as we can have the same system across all markets,” pinpoints Grønkvist.

TimePlan provides a system that communicates across platforms, all while being designed to adapt to exactly what CHANGE already has.

“The fact that the systems can communicate across platforms, as well as the entire API part, which we use when we integrate with both our BI and app. It’s an advantage that we have the same system, as it is an important matter for us that we are able to communicate with each other – otherwise, we would have to invent far too much on the market ourselves,” Grønkvist points out with a smile.


TimePlan listens to their customers

According to Grønkvist, one of the aspects which CHANGE appreciates about their collaboration with TimePlan is: “the fact that there is a great dialogue with the support department for those of us with ‘support issues’ – it works really well.”

Moreover, Grønkvist pinpoints that the communication between TimePlan and CHANGE is great: “And of course that we are listened to, when we suggest something – also despite that the change does not always happen immediately. We feel as though we are being listened to and taken seriously as a major customer, which we have become over time; that is the best quality to come out of our collaboration with TimePlan.”


A helpful platform

Grønkvist declares that TimePlan is helping CHANGE keep track of data and reports about their employees all around the world:

“Our collaboration has enabled us to report in a uniform manner across all markets. We have different KPIs, which we report on – so the fact that we have been able to produce one singular reporting style on employee turnover, absence, etc. This has been helpful, as it would otherwise have been difficult to get one uniform picture on all the markets,” Grønkvist expresses.


CHANGE values TimePlan and its platform

For a company chain as large as CHANGE OF SCANDINAVIA A/S, it is quite necessary to have a Workforce Management program like TimePlan, as it helps create an overview of important data for businesses.

Regarding the importance of a well-functioning WFM program, Grønkvist points out: “That’s because it is a crucial part of our business in terms of business; we use the system quite a lot for planning hours, so that we can ensure that the hours that are planned are in accordance with our salary budget. That is why it is absolutely crucial for us – we would not be able to perform the way we do without TimePlan and a workforce management system, due to the way our business is structured.”

With a laugh, he adds: “One could have invented something similar even in Excel, but there is a lot of functionality [in TimePlan],” as the reason why they have chosen TimePlan as their partner.


Create an overview

Does your business want to extend itself across national borders? If so, let TimePlan help your company bring important functions out across borders:

  • Compare reports and key figures
  • Manage staff across national borders
  • Receive a clear overview of your personnel management in all stores and departments
  • Handling of labor costs in various countries
  • Review of complex labor market rules and agreements worldwide


Feel free to contact us to find out how TimePlan can help your company.

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