Kunst på væggene skal give bedre software

[Pressemeddelelse – 24. april 2024] TimePlan Software i Aalborg har netop indgået aftale med det lokale Galerie Wolfsen om at leje 40 kunstværker til virksomhedens hovedkontor. Kunsten skal give medarbejderne større arbejdsglæde og inspirere til nye softwareløsninger til gavn for TimePlans kunder. ”Vores kunder lejer software af os. Derfor kan vi godt lide tanken om […]

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Are you ready for the spring bank holidays and the main holiday season?

Are you ready for the spring bank holidays and the main holiday season?

Are you ready for the spring bank holidays and the main holiday season? Prepare now Spring is a time of renewal and growth, not just in nature but also within corporate planning and management of working hours. With the many upcoming bank holidays, especially in the Nordics, it’s essential to understand how these affect employers […]

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[Press Release] TimePlan Group and TimeMap join forces with the support of Main Capital Partners

Stockholm, 15th of February 2024 – TimePlan Group (‘TimePlan’), a Danish company backed by Main Capital Partners (‘Main’), is on route towards becoming a leading European Workforce Management provider. The acquisition of TimeMap marks the second step in TimePlan’s buy-and-build strategy since the start of the partnership with Main Capital in November 2022. TimeMap is […]

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