TimePlan Software on Computerworld’s TOP 100 in 2023: The Only WFM Software Among Denmark’s IT giants

Skimming through Computerworld’s TOP 100 for 2023 and finding TimePlan Software as the sole representative in Workforce Management (WFM) software is an unexpected but welcome recognition. Placed at number 25 on the general list and number 3 within industry-specific software, we stand among some of Denmark’s most notable IT names.

“It is with a mix of pride and humility that we once again find ourselves among the most skilled IT companies in Denmark. As we provide a business-critical solution, we are very aware of our responsibility towards our customers and their employees. They expect a modern, intuitive, innovative, and secure platform.”

A journey through time and technology

Being recognised on such an important list is not an overnight event. TimePlan Software’s history spans decades, during which we have continually developed, learned, and adapted to changing technological landscapes. Every version of our software, each update, and every single piece of customer feedback has shaped the solution we offer today.

A strong team effort

Our ranking also directly reflects the tireless work our team delivers daily. From developers who code the latest features to the support team assisting our customers with every need, everyone plays a part in shaping the success we enjoy now.

Customer contributions

Every step of our journey has also been accompanied by our valued customers. Their continued trust and honest feedback have allowed us to refine our products and services to remain relevant and effective in a constantly changing world.

What the future holds

As we celebrate this milestone, we also stay focused on the challenges the future brings. The world of technology is dynamic, and the need for efficient workforce management will continue to evolve. We are committed to staying ahead of these changes, always aiming to improve, and continuing to provide value for our customers. 

“To further expand our position and ensure we continuously meet these desires, we are now bringing together a few Nordic Workforce Management providers to give even more power and focus on having a solution that combines user-friendliness with a deep understanding and integration of collective agreements and working hours and holiday rules. We certainly wish to remain on this prestigious list.”

Concluding remarks

As 2023 unfolds, TimePlan Software is more determined than ever to build on our successes, tackle new challenges, and continue to be a reliable partner for all our customers and collaborators. We are deeply grateful for the support and trust we’ve received and look forward to another year filled with innovation, learning, and growth.

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