Customer Christmas presents to SOS Children’s Villages



In keeping with tradition, TimePlan Software has sent the customer Christmas presents to the SOS Children’s Villages as a sponsorship. This has been a cherished tradition since 2001 when we first sent SOS Christmas cards to our customers and since 2004, when we started sponsoring the organization.


An individual person typically supports a single child through the so-called sponsorship child support scheme. TimePlan Software supports the main organization SOS Children’s Villages, which helps orphans and vulnerable children in Africa, amongst other places.

“We want to support schools and villages for the children so that they get a safe and enjoyable upbringing. In the villages, the children have an SOS mother who takes care of them and they also receive an education,” says Henrik Baasch, CEO of TimePlan Software.

Henrik Baasch visited one of the SOS Children’s Villages in Gambia in 2008 and experienced the work with the children first-hand.

We wish everyone a Happy New Year.

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