TimePlan Software advances on the TOP 100 list

TimePlan Software A/S has once again made Computerworld’s Top 100 list of the most talented IT companies in Denmark. This time with considerable progress on both the main list and the software list.


In 2019, TimePlan Software ranks number 23 on Computerworld’s Top 100 list of Danish IT companies. Within the Software category, TimePlan Software is ranked 14th. This is a considerable improvement from 2018 when the Aalborg company ranked 47th on the main list and 23rd on the Software list.


Constantly at the forefront

“It is with pride and humility that we receive our rankings on the TOP 100 listings this year,” says Rex A. Clausager, CEO, TimePlan Software.

“We are really excited about the progress on both lists. At the same time, we are aware of the need to be constantly at the forefront of our customer’s needs and wishes in workforce management. It is our employees and the solid competencies that must continue to secure a strong position for us on these lists.”

Since 1995, TimePlan Software has provided TimePlan for Shift Planning, Time & Attendance and HR Administration. The company’s customers are leading service and retail companies such as JYSK, NETTO, Bauhaus, Magasin Du Nord and First Hotels. Today, TimePlan is used in 18 languages across more than 25 countries.


Criteria for the Top 100 list

The Computerworld Magazine annually rates Denmark’s most talented IT companies based on corporate placement within the disciplines:

– Operating profit in relation to labour costs
– Return on equity
– Return rate
– Growth in primary operations

The Top 100 analysis includes Danish IT companies with personnel costs of at least DKK 10 million or a reported turnover of at least DKK 20 million.

Computerworld has published the Top 100 list of Denmark’s most talented IT companies since 1996. Number one on the 2019 list is Sennheiser Communications.

See the complete Top 100 list for 2019.

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