Marianne Lolholm Møller is an institution at TimePlan A/S. During the past ten years, she’s done everything from user training and consulting work to telephone support at the Aalborg office. Now, she’s working with the TimePlan 7 manuals prior to the launch on July 7.
“Working with TimePlan is always new. No two days are alike,” says Marianne who lives in Aalborg.
When she was first hired back in 2006, the TimePlan software was in Danish and English. Now, TimePlan is in twenty-one countries in eighteen languages, and the number of staff members has tripled.
“One of the best things about working at TimePlan is our annual trips to e.g. Iceland and Brussels, and visiting clients in Finland and Sweden. I’ve learned a lot from those trips,” says Marianne who will be celebrated at the Aalborg office Wednesday, June 1st followed by a staff dinner at Cafe Peace. Her colleague Chien Van Tran will also celebrate his tenth anniversary with TimePlan A/S.
Happy anniversary, Marianne!